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48th edition of the Dougga International Festival

Saturday, June 29, 2024 to Wednesday, July 10, 2024

In a majestic and rural antique setting, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, the Dougga International Festival returns for its 48th edition with a resolutely eclectic program. From June 29 to July 10, festival-goers will be able to discover a curated selection of emerging and renowned artists, covering a wide range of musical genres to satisfy all tastes.


Image : The ancient Roman theater of Dougga, the main venue of the Festival


Beyond the musical programming, the Dougga International Festival offers a unique culinary experience with food stalls offering a variety of traditional and tasty dishes from the northwest region of Tunisia.


The festival plans a pilot project of “Co-accommodation with locals” in collaboration with the inhabitants of Dougga and Téboursouk. This year, residents will welcome around ten participants, thus promoting intercultural exchange and stimulating the local economy.


In parallel with the festival, the Dougga International Festival association is organizing a workshop on the sustainability challenges of the arts and entertainment professions. Participants will have the opportunity to present their ideas during speed-networking pitch sessions, thus enriching discussions around these essential issues for the evolution and development of the performing arts in Africa and elsewhere in the world.


Image: The Dougga International Festival



The Dougga International Festival is committed to developing its activities in the neighboring town of Téboursouk. For this, a training program intended for young people in the region was set up during the second half of May, aimed at understanding and mastering the subtleties of managing cultural projects, with particular emphasis on the sector. musical, thus reinforcing the idea that culture can generate jobs and help boost the local economy.


You will be able to take advantage of the Festival to visit the ancient site of Dougga, very well preserved.

Image: Roman Capitol. Archaeological site of Dougga (ancient Thugga)